
Hiring out horses

You require a licence if you hire out horses for riding or riding lessons, including:

  • riding schools and those that hire out horses
  • trekking
  • loan horses
  • pony parties (but only where the ponies are ridden)
  • hunter hirelings
  • polo/polocrosse instruction
  • pony hire
  • pony and donkey rides

In the licence application you will be required to make a declaration that you have read and are familiar with the requirements of the Guidance notes for conditions for hiring out horses.

Guidance notes for conditions for hiring-out horses (PDF, 309 KB)

Before a licence is granted your premises will be inspected to ensure that you can comply with those conditions.

Hiring out horses application form (PDF, 197 KB)

Supporting documentation to be submitted with applications

Hiring of Horses - Required procedures and records to be kept (PDF, 158KB)