
Plans and reviews for children in care

Care Plan

When you’re in our care you will have a care plan - a file with all the information about you and plans for your future, including:

  • Health
  • Education
  • Where you live
  • When you see your family
  • What happens when you leave our care

Your care plan is updated all the time because you change and so do the things you need.

Nothing can change without you being asked about it.  That’s important. Don't forget it. You’re in the driving seat.

Placement Plan

Your placement plan is part of your care plan. This form comes in two parts.  We fill in part one before you come into our care, as it gives essential information (such as your GP, school and so on) to the carers you will be placed with.

Part two contains information about your arrangements for education, leisure activities, and your day-to-day routines (bedtimes, pocket money) while in your new home.

Your placement plan should say:

  • Who you are – your likes, dislikes and how how you’ve got on with other carers.
  • Where you’ll live and who will look after you.
  • How long you’re expected to live there. (this could be emergency, short-term or long-term.  Ask if you don’t understand)
  • Why this new home is right for you and how it meets your needs.
  • How your carer and the local authority will share the job of looking after you, and who will pay for the things you need.
  • What time you will have with your family, how often your social worker will visit.
  • The name of your IRO.

Permanence Plan

One of the biggest complaints children in our care have is that they are moved too often.  So a lot of work goes into avoiding it as much as possible.

A permanence plan means that your social worker has to try and find a new home you can stay in for as long as possible.  This means you can build a relationship with your carer, settle in at school and make good friends.

Case Review Meetings

Case review meetings are regular meetings held by your IRO, where all the people involved in looking after you check your care plan. You will usually be accompanied by your social worker, parents (if it is safe) and your carer or key worker.

Your case review is where everyone makes sure you’re happy and that everyone’s doing what they should to help you.  Changes will be discussed at this meeting, or anything you want to talk about – if you need to move home, or even if you want help with schoolwork – just remember – it’s good to talk!

(You can also bring your advocate, or someone who will help you feel more comfortable, or can speak up for you)

Review consultation forms

In order to get your views we ask you to complete a Review consultation form.This is now easy to complete as they are available online and will be emailed directly to your Independent Reviewing Officer. The consultation forms have been designed by age, fill in the right one for your age group.

If it is your very first review complete the 1 month review form, if its not your first review complete the 6 month review form.

First review

If it is your very first review complete the 1 month review form, if its not your first review complete the 6 month review form.

Click on the appropriate age link to complete your form:


6 month review

These online consultation forms are to be completed prior to your review.

Click on the appropriate age link to complete your form: