
My Place privacy notice

This Privacy Notice informs you about how we process your personal information and what your rights are

The way we collect, store and process your personal information is governed by data protection legislation.

We are the controller for the personal information we process, unless otherwise stated.

Who are we?

My Place is the Council's landlord managing agent, managing all existing property, infrastructure, land assets and related contracts. We aim to provide excellent services at a competitive price – to protect and increase the value of council assets for the future. We act as the commissioner for services to maintain public spaces using the principles of the best-placed provider.

The Council is a registered data controller with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), registration number Z7517364.

London Borough of Barking & Dagenham

Barking Town Hall

1 Town Square


IG11 7 LU

You can contact the Data Protection Officer at dpo@lbbd.gov.uk or at the above address.

The following information informs you about what we do with your information in order to process your application for Housing or manage any tenancy or lease you hold with us.

How we collect your personal information

The information we hold is only collected from the information you provide us with.

The information is collected from:

  • your housing application
  • details of sales when purchasing a property
  • when you sign your tenancy agreement
  • interactions with us during the management of your tenancy or lease

How we use your personal information

In order to provide you with a tenancy and lease management service the Council has to process certain information from you. The processing of your information includes the collection, use, sharing (if appropriate), retention and destruction of your information.

To provide you with support and services, we need to collect and process information about you. This is your personal information. Personal information is information that relates to a living person, who can be directly or indirectly identified from the data in question or together with other information – and this information must relate to an individual in order to be identified as personal information.

For example, this can include:

  • your name
  • date of birth
  • age
  • gender
  • address
  • postcode

Special Category Personal Information

Some information is more sensitive and needs more protection due to its sensitivity. It is often information you would not want widely known and is personal to you. This is likely to include anything that can reveal your:

  • sexuality
  • religious or philosophical beliefs
  • ethnicity
  • physical or mental health
  • genetic/biometric data (including a photographic image of you)
  • criminal history

Your data will be used to:

  • assess your entitlement to enable you to be allocated a property and provide you with accommodation
  • carry out repairs to properties you rent or lease from us
  • collect rent and service charges for these properties
  • contact you if there are any issues or updates with our service
  • inform you of how the service operates
  • prevent tenancy and Housing benefit fraud
  • manage corporate complaints

Lawful basis for processing your personal information

The Council has to have a lawful reason to process your information. As such the Council will process your personal data for these purposes as follows:

Article 6.1e Public Task Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exer-cise of official authority vested in the controller
Article 6, 1 Legal Obligation Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject
Article 9.2(a) Explicit Consent  
Article 9, 2(g) Special Categories Processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest, on the basis

Protecting your personal information

The Council endeavours to ensure that the services we provide comply with all data protection legislation, for example, the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018).

The Council has appropriate security and controls in place to prevent data loss, for example hacking attempts however we cannot guarantee that the personal information you submit will not be intercepted.

Sharing your personal information

The Council will not share your information with any third parties for the purposes of direct marketing.

We have contracts in place with third parties who may provide certain elements of services for us, (data processors). This means that they cannot do anything with your personal information unless we have instructed them to do so. They will not share your personal information without authorisation from us.

Where we need to disclose sensitive personal data about you, (such as medical details) to third parties, we will do so with your consent or where we are legally required or allowed to do.

We will share information with agencies as necessary, and in accordance with the prevailing Data Protection statute for the detection, prevention and prosecution of fraud and criminal activity.

Examples of who we may share your information with are:

  • department for Work and Pensions
  • HM Revenues and Customs
  • the Police
  • health and social care organisations
  • environmental health section for The London Borough of Ïã¸ÛÈüÂí»á for homes in multiple occupation
  • for the purpose of performing any of our statutory enforcement duties
  • to make any disclosures required by law
  • other bodies responsible for detecting or preventing fraud or auditing or administering public funds, for example, the National fraud intelligence
  • other organisations who handle public funds and assist in the processing of other benefits

On occasions, your information may be accessed by IT support. Access will only be for such rea-sons as fixing any technical issues with software, and any viewing of data will be incidental to this.

We will not share your information with organisations unless there is a legal gateway to do so. There may be certain circumstances where we would share your information, such as where we are required to do so by law, to safeguard public safety, and in instances where we are concerned about you or a third party.

How long do we keep your personal information for

We will only keep your information for the minimum period necessary. The information outlined in this privacy notice will be kept for the period required by us for legal and audit purposes. Information identified for destruction will be securely destroyed.

International Transfer of personal information

Your Information will not be transferred outside of the UK

Automated decision making / profiling



To learn more about cookies and your Individual Rights, or how to raise a concern, please visit our general privacy notice page.

Last review

This privacy notice was last reviewed on 18/06/2020