
Council land and property

Information on local land and property assets

Local land and property assets

Under the , we are required to publish details of land and building assets owned by the council.

Council owned land and property 2024 (XLSX, 94.13 KB)

Council owned land and property 2023 (XLSX, 91.1 KB)

Council owned land and property 2022 (XLSX, 93.17 KB)

Council owned land and property 2021 (XLSX, 94 KB)

Council owned land and property 2020 (XLSX, 92 KB)

Our land and assets include

  • all service and office properties occupied or controlled by user bodies, both freehold and leasehold
  • any properties occupied or run under private finance initiative contracts
  • all other properties we own or use
  • garages, unless rented as part of a housing tenancy agreement
  • surplus, sublet or vacant properties
  • underdeveloped land
  • services or temporary offices where contractual or actual occupation exceeds 3 months
  • future commitments, for example under an agreement for lease

Land and buildings not included

  • social housing
  • rent-free properties provided by traders
  • operational public highway
  • assets of national security
  • information we cannot publish due to data protection or other disclosure controls

Information provided on each land and building

  • the unique property reference number (UPRN)
  • the unique identifier used by the council
  • the name of the building or land
  • the street number, name and address and UK postcode
  • Ordnance Survey map reference (Eastings before Northings)
  • ownership information including freehold and leasehold tenures