
Students and apprentices


You may be eligible for a Council Tax discount or exemption if you are a full-time student and on a course at a registered educational establishment in the UK or under the ERASMUS scheme.

If you are over 20, you must be on a higher education course which lasts an academic or calendar year (at least 24 weeks in each year).  You must also be doing 21 hours or more per week of study, tuition and/or work experience but your work experience can’t be more than 50% of the total course time (except if you are a student teacher).

If you are under 20, you’ll need to be on a course which lasts for at least three months and doing 12 hours or more per week of study, tuition and/or work experience.

You can also qualify if you are a foreign language student registered with the British Council, or if you are a student nurse on a course that leads to registration under the nurses, midwife and health visitors act 1997.

Spouse or dependant of a student

You may also be eligible for a discount if you are a spouse or dependant of a full-time student and are also not a British citizen and you don’t receive money from employment or benefits.

Ïã¸ÛÈüÂí»á for a student Council Tax discount

You will need to submit your certificate of exemption that includes your course (you can get this through your educational establishment) and a copy of the front and back of your VISA card with your application.


To receive an apprentice discount, you must be employed for the purposes of learning a trade, business, or profession and be:

  • on a programme of training leading to a qualification accredited by the National Council of Vocational Qualifications or the Scottish Vocational Education Council
  • earning or receiving no more than £195 per week (before tax and National Insurance)